Some comments from clients

  • “Judy and her horses create and hold a space for deep insight and healing.”
  • “Judy has such a calm and grounded presence – and so much insight.”
  • “If you are seeking the heart more intently, and more purposefully, so that your life or workplace becomes more lovingly authentic, this modality offers a place to consider. An offering with a beautiful, relational, reflective animal. “
  • “I found working with Judy to be a very gentle and supported process. I felt her presence was very warm and safe and offered a deep empathy for understanding the experience. I loved sharing the spaciousness in the embodied experience that I came into working with Judy and Jess, which felt like such a blessing to share that with judy and to sit in that space of being for so long. Brings tears to my eyes recalling it now…Thankyou Judy for your beautiful strong presence.”
  • “You created such a safe place for me. The realisations were profound & I am stunned at how easily the feelings were expressed & released.”
  • “We invited Judy to work on an older gelding of ours who had been diagnosed with cushings and had not been in a good place, despite medical treatment. I saw an improvement in him almost immediately after the first session with Judy. Now, after seeing Judy multiple times, our gelding is the best he has been in years and is a happy, relaxed pony that looks many years his junior. He can even get back in to the show ring even though I thought his showing days may have been over. Judy has also worked with our other pets and horses with astonishing results. She has assisted with the healing of our beloved dog who was facing high-risk spinal surgery. After only one session with Judy, our dog no longer requires any surgery on his spine. Her results are truly remarkable and we cannot thank her enough for what she has done for us and our beloved pets. We cannot recommend Judy highly enough.”
  • “The Somatic Connection work taught me so much about softening myself to soften my horse, the power of conscious breathwork.”

What did you get out of the workshop?

  • “So many things – get back to my inner work, trust my intuition, use emotions as information and stop putting judgement on them.”
  • “This was life-changing for me.”
  • “The breathwork, posture and embodied presence Judy taught: simple yet profound.”
  • “A reminder to stay in the moment, remain open and calm; animals as teachers and healers.”
  • “To be myself and trust my instincts that I am on the right journey – even if it takes me a lifetime.”
  • “Great facilitation of group and insightful individual coaching.”
  • “The somatic centering practice was so powerful and really helped me in my riding.”
  • “the power of the pause, of presence and aligning intention and attention.”